Regular nibbles from the Bible. . .come for a bite, leave with an appetite

May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight. (Psalm 19:14, MSG)

Sunday, June 23, 2013


 Because of all that they had been through, the Jews agreed to continue. It became a tradition for them, their children, and all future converts to remember these two days every year on the specified dates set down in the letter. These days are to be remembered and kept by every generation, every last family, every province and city. These days of Purim must never be neglected among the Jews; the memory of them must never die out among their descendants. (Esther 9:26-28)

Call this a rant against my son.  He only celebrates Jewish holidays, including Purim and Hannukah. He says that he only celebrates Biblical  holidays. I question, than why Hannukah? That's not in the Old Testament. "Jesus celebrated it," he says. (Yes, he believes Jesus is his Savior.)

Well, I accept it. I don't want him doing something against his conscience. I do miss celebrating Christmas with my only living child and grandchildren.

I bring my son up only because his opinion comes into play here. In reading chapter nine of Esther, I wondered if the whole book had been written to justify the celebration of Purim by Jews, since it wasn't included in "The Revelation to Moses," the first five books of the Bible.

God's deliverance deserved a celebration, and they made it an annual holiday. They said the memory of what happened must never die out ever among the Jews, their children, and even their converts. Doesn't that sound like what we do at Christmas, Resurrection Day, the Lord's Supper/Communion, baptism? Whatever trappings have been added over the years, however we may differ on how we preserve and relive the memories, what happened deserves an annual celebration: Jesus's birth, death, resurrection. Our rebirth into new life. The basics of our faith.
Some churches celebrate other events throughout the year. We as individuals celebrate important days: birthdays, wedding anniversaries. I even celebrate the memories of my mother and daughter on the anniversaries of their deaths. Organizations--such as churches and writing groups--celebrate the anniversary of their formation. In fact, today is a celebration at my other blog: 500 posts since I started. I'm hosting a book giveaway, if anyone wants to go and check it out. :) And those are all valid and good reasons to celebrate. As long as with the celebration, we recall the reason why we started.

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