Regular nibbles from the Bible. . .come for a bite, leave with an appetite

May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight. (Psalm 19:14, MSG)

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Today Job lays out his two requests before God. But first, let's look at the heart of Zophar's argument.

God is far higher than you can imagine,
far deeper tha you can understand.
(Job 10:8, MSG)

So true. He writes about ten lines of theology that express God's "otherness" in words worthy of a praise song. Then again, he takes his theology to the next step . . . one step further than God does. Your world will be washed in sunshine, every shadow dispersed by dayspring. (Job 10:17 MSG)The syrupy sweetness makes me want to gag.

Job called him on it. I felt like clapping when he said, Why do you always take his [God's] side? Do you think he needs a lawyer to defend himself? (Job 11:20, MSG)

Have you ever heard a preacher urge you not to take God's side? Of course, the next line explains it further. God doesn't need us to "dumb down" the truth, to simplify it, to make it black-and-white in defense of God.

God is too "other" to fit into our boxes.

Job told God he had two requests:
  • Lay off the afflictions; the terror is too much for me.

  • Address me directly so I can answer you, or let me speak and then you answer me. (Job 12:20-22, MSG)

  • His reason for his requests? "so I'll know I matter with you."

    After what happened, no wonder he felt abandoned by God. And he trusted God enough to rush forward, demand to speak to Daddy, and present his argument.

    God answered both requests. First, he addressed Job in those awesome, climactic chapters at the end (which I am looking forward to!) and we'll discuss what God had to say at that time. (except here's a hint: God never does explain why.)

    After that, God not only laid off the afflictions, He restored everything that had been stripped from Job.

    Our requests to God may cover different questions. But the heart of them is the same: Run to Daddy like a child with a boo boo, and throw your questions at Him. We don't even have to demand an audience. As Christians, we have instant access to God at any time of any day.

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