That's the feeling I get as I read the first chapter of Joshua. He clearly had a hero worship for Moses (in describing him after his death, he said Moses' eyes were still clear and he walked. He pointed out that no other prophet knew God face to face like Moses.
Joshua was no slouch. He had been there from the time they left Egypt. He and Caleb came back from spying the land excited, ready to march to war. He went with Moses at least partway up the mountain.
And when God named Moses's successor, He called Joshua.
Still, Joshua quaked. Twice God admonished him, "Strength! Courage!" The people of Israel demanded the same thing, when they agreed to follow him.
How hard it must have been to lead, following in a giant's shoes. Harry Truman must have felt when taking over from FDR. He originated the phrase, "the buck stops here," but Joshua would have agreed.
Called to lead, doubting his ability, Joshua needed something from God. And God delivered.
In chapter two, the Israelites crossed the Jordan River on dry ground. Anyone remember the Red Sea?
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Courage Personified |
- I won't give up on you.
- I won't leave you.
- You are going to lead this people to inherit the land.
God trusted Joshua to finish the job.
God remained with Joshua. He didn't abandon him to do it alone.
The job of leading God's people belonged to Joshua--whether he wanted it or not.
I love those three promises. At the moment, I'm struggling a bit with insecurity about my writing, longing for some concrete confirmation that God still has grand things ahead for me. (I'm hopeless. I've written twenty-five books. Why do I remain so frightened? Ask my fellow authors. I know I'm not alone.)
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Strength of heart not of body |
Whatever call God has made on your life--He makes those same three promises to you.
So--strength! courage! Get going.
Praying for strength and courage for you dear friend!