Regular nibbles from the Bible. . .come for a bite, leave with an appetite

May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight. (Psalm 19:14, MSG)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I will have my way with Egypt and bring out my soldiers, my people the Israelites, from Egypt with mighty acts of judgment. (Exodus 7:4, MSG)

It's hard to imagine a less likely army than the Israelites. They were slaves, used to hard physical labor but with weak constitutions because of their living conditions. They obviously weren't unified (look at all the later squabbling), and they hadn't learned to think like free men. 

God called this group of ill-prepared, wishy washy, unwilling people His soldiers. No elite soldiers here. No volunteers, but all draftees. 

Unwilling soldiers with an unwilling general (God, please send someone else.)

These are the people God used to accomplish one of the most spectacular freedom marches in history?

Today God calls us His soldiers. At least that's the image He gave us through Paul, in Ephesians 6. He urges us to be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power--the same power that freed the Israelites. He tells us to put on battle gear, the armor of God. 

So I'm at war. Today. Sitting here in my wheelchair.

The good news is that God won the battle. He knocked Pharaoh off his pedestal while the Israelites watched, ready to march when He gave the order. 

Sometimes I watch God at work. Other times I'm on the front line. But I'm always in the army, and God is always on my side. 

Muster up.


  1. Thank you Darlene, I sure am an unwilling army a lot of the time :) Thank God He uses me anyway.... by the way He sure uses YOU! xo

  2. Oh, hush with the compliments already. :) I know, such an act of grace that God uses us, as stumbling, unwilling, as we so often feel? We are salt and light and God uses us.
