Regular nibbles from the Bible. . .come for a bite, leave with an appetite

May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight. (Psalm 19:14, MSG)

Saturday, July 20, 2013


When I'm 'dust to dust' my songs and stories of you won't sell. So listen! And be kind! Help me out of this! (Psalm 30:9-10, MSG)
I'm about to burst with song; I can't keep quiet about you. God, my God, I can't thank you enough. (Psalm 30:12, MSG)

Oh, wow, I read this verse at the end of the reading today and I jumped up and down. If I could jump.

Perhaps the economy worked a little differently in David's time. Now, an artist's body of work increases in value upon their death. That may not be as true with books--but my heirs at least have the potential of future revenue from my "stories."

I have no illusions that I have written books that will be considered "classics." One hundred years from now, I won't be more than a footnote in any studies of the boom of Christian fiction over the last fifteen years or so--if that much.

But I have said, here and elsewhere, that I will continue to write until God takes the pen out of my hand, whether by death or loss of mental acuity. When I'm dead, I can't sing any more songs and write any more stories. My testimony of God's goodness and kindness to people on earth ends and fades away.

Most of us (I suspect) shy away from saying "look at what I'm doing for you, God! You need me! Be kind, help me, so I can testify of You." But that's exactly that David did here.

Wow. Do I have the right to claim that? Instead of asking God, "are You sure You want me to continue writing," should I say, "God, I want to write Your stories as long as I can. Help me out here! No one else can tell the stories You give to me."

And when God answers that prayer. When I have a day like this one, when I exceed my goal, I feel well, and I even got my promised shower. Like David, I should burst with song, write like a eight-handed spider (four times as much), shouting my thanksgiving to all who will listen.

How long do you expect to write? Which of your stories--if any--do you think will live past you?

And for all the non-writers (or non-musicians as well) who read this--the same question applies. What do you, and only you, give to God that will end with your death?

Today's favorite verse: God makes his people strong. God gives his people peace. (Psalm 29:11, MSG)

***NEWS FLASH/BOOK GIVEAWAY: Giveaway to 10 comers (up to 20-30 or so) of my devotional book, It Is Well With My Soul, ends tomorrow, Sunday, 7/21/13. Leave me a comment with your email address or contact me at belovedfranklin (at) msn (dot) com.***


  1. Beautiful You realize we all have a God-Given gift
    God bless you Let your light shine

  2. Awesome thought as always, Darlene!
