Remember all the way back at the burning bush, when Moses argued with God about his commission to lead the people of Israel?
One thing that has struck me in reading the Pentateuch this year is how Moses talked with God. He learned, he changed. By his later years, he talked with God as though with a long-time, intimate friend. He knew how to push God's buttons--in a good way.
Death wasn't going to interrupt that friendship, and God pointed out that Moses would be joining his brother.
More than forty years after begging God to send someone else to do the job, all he could think about was the people who had aggravated Moses and exasperated him and disappointed him.

God answered--Joshua would lead the people into the promised land.
That was the end of the discussion. Moses didn't beg God to change His mind, didn't ask for an extension, didn't pout or complain.
Oh, when I come to the end of my days, may I go with such peace.
May I go like that as well.