where I always do: in God's word. It's not "urgent" or contracted, but it may well be the most important thing I do all day.
Today I finished reading Joshua. Boy, that went by fast! It seems like I hardly started. The final chapters finish up things. The final parcels are alloted to the remaining tribes, the 2½ tribes east of the Jordan are reminded of the importance of staying true to the Lord their God, and Joshua leads the tribes in a recommitment to their covenant with God.
After charging the eastern tribes to remain true and to not rebel against God, Joshua adds an interesting statement: don't rebel against us by building your own altar apart from the Altar of our God. (Joshua 22:20, MSG)
In the case of the nation of Israel, it was always a case of "one for all and all for one." Remember the case of Ai, the city they attacked after Jericho? They lost the battle--because of one man's sin. If one tribe rebelled against God, God would count them all guilty. Rebelling against God meant rebelling against their fellow citizens.
Paul said the same thing about the church. In the passages from 1 Corinthians about spiritual gifts and the body of Christ, the church, he says, If one part hurts, every other part is involved in the hurt, and in the healing. If one part flourishes, every other part enters into the exuberance. (1 Corinthians 12:22)
If my sin only brought consequences on myself, that would be bad enough. Unfortunately, the effects ripple across those around me. My physical family, my work place, my church, the church world wide.
With all the arrogance of the young, I used to tell my mother, "You only have two choices: either you obey God, or you serve the devil." She asked (taking my spiritual arrogance seriously), "Why can't I do what I want to do? Don't I get a choice?"
The truth is more complex than the way I presented it to my mother. The closer we grow to God, I believe, the closer our desires align with His. God made us the way we are and it usually figures into His will for us.
But the heart of my statement is true. If we don't obey God, we are rebelling against Him. Not only Him, but also His people.
Conversely, God's people are also key in helping us to recognize God's calling on our lives. Those around us may recognize a spiritual gift, a service God has called us to, before we do.
Teamwork, again--I am only one cell in a multi-celled body, but cancer can begin with me and destroy the whole.
We're not perfect, and we all will do things that hurt the body of Christ as a whole. That's when "every other part is involved in the healing."
Basically, Christianity is a team sport. We win or lose together, so we are wise if we take care of our own.
Great teaching! God bless you Darlene